We offer:

Sleep Study Centre’s throughout Australia for home-based studies and CPAP therapy

CPAP Trials and ongoing evaluations

Specialist Sleep and Respiratory consultations

Lung Function Testing


   Gas Transfer (DLCO)

   Bronchial Challenge

   Lung Volume

   Respiratory Muscle Strength

Treatment options for sleep and respiratory disorders—including Provent and mandibular

advancement splints

Suppliers of CPAP machines, masks and accessories

 We also offer:

On-site training for our external Sleep Study Centres

Clinical and Educational presentations to Medical, Specialist, Community and Sports Centres

Tips for a Good night’s sleep

Lifestyle factors, behaviours and poor sleep habits sleep. Below are a few tips for a good night’s sleep:

Wind down at night before bed. Get into a regular relaxing sleep routine – this may include a warm shower, and allow time to relax before bed. TV and computers are stimulating and should be avoided before bed.

Be consistent with bed times and get up at the same time each morning.

Avoid stimulants at night – tea, coffee, coke, chocolate, nicotine and certain analgesics. Other medications including anti- depressants and blood pressure medications may also affect your sleep.

Sedatives may help you fall asleep, though they don’t deal with the cause of the sleep problem and should be for short term use only.

Alcohol may help people fall asleep, however, after a couple of hours the quality of sleep decreases therefore alcohol should be kept to a maximum of one to two standard drinks per night.

Naturally regulate your sleep wake cycle

By reducing the amount of lighting at night and increasing the amount of natural light during the morning. This can be achieved turning down your lights at night and not wearing sunglasses in the morning and allowing exposure to natural light during the day.

Make your bedroom more sleep friendly

A dark, quiet and cool bedroom is optimal to getting the best night’s sleep. It is also important that your bed and pillow are comfortable. Reserve your bed for sleeping and sex.

Listen to your body – go to bed when you are sleepy.

We all wake at night. If you have problems getting back to sleep, don’t lie in bed awake, get out of bed and sit and relax until you are sleepy. Reading a (non stimulating) book in low light until you feel tired again may also help.

Don’t clock watch.

Allow enough time for sleep, aim for at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Let your body be tired at night. Avoid naps during the day or on the couch at night.

Exercise during the day rather than in the evening and not within 3 hours before bedtime if possible.

Don’t go to bed too hungry, thirsty or on a full stomach. A light healthy snack is OK.

Before going to bed plan the next day and make notes if necessary. If you tend to wake up and think about work or other issues during the night, keep a notepad next to the bed and write down what you need to do.

 Don’t worry, anxiety about not sleeping will make your sleep problems worse. Learn some relaxation exercises and practice these in bed.

If you still have problems sleeping then maybe its time to discuss these issues with your local doctor or to see a sleep specialist.